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    (918) 890-0881
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Just because you drank doesn’t mean you are drunk. We never encourage anyone to drive after having had one beer. However, sometimes you may find that you were stopped for a traffic infraction, such changing lanes without signaling and suddenly you find you are being arrested for DUI/DWI. Today people are facing DWI with marijuana. What are the consequences and what are your rights? How is this different if you take other prescribed medications? The underlying rule is if your impaired from any prescribed medication, it is best to not get into a vehicle and drive, for the safety of yourself and others. However, everyone’s impairment varies as it depends on body weight when you used marijuana.

Unlike alcohol a rule of .08 defines DUI, it does not define, other impairments resulting from marijuana, or resolve your DWI. With a full assessment and game plan we are ready to take on your charge and defend your rights.

The Law office of Emilyn Potter

Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis
(918) 890-0881

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