• Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis (918) 890-0881.
  • Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis
    (918) 890-0881
  • Monday - Thursday (8am - 5pm) | Friday (8am - 12pm)

FelonyFelony charges can have some of the most serious penalties any crime. If you are charged with a felony in Oklahoma, not only will your punishment be more severe, but also financially speaking – felonies carry heavier financial burdens than other types of crimes do too.


The first step when charged with any felony is to sit down and have a chat about your goals. We prepare for our cases largely based on what you want out of the situation, so it’s important that we get into detail from day one – after all these are problems just waiting until they become opportunities. During representation in such circumstances, there should be many meetings where specific information related specifically towards each client’s individual goal can help us achieve them faster than ever before possible. Give us a call for options to a brighter debt free future.

The Law office of Emilyn Potter

Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis
(918) 890-0881

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