• Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis (918) 890-0881.
  • Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis
    (918) 890-0881
  • Monday - Thursday (8am - 5pm) | Friday (8am - 12pm)

How many tickets can you get before you lose your license? How can you expunge old records? What can I do to have points against my license removed so I don’t lose my license? What if I am a citizen of a Tribal Nation, will I have to go before that State or the Tribal Nations district court? I am a Citizen of a tribal nation, will my case go before the Federal Court? These are common questions that our office comes across. It is important that you speak with an attorney who is well versed in your rights and obligations when facing these types of issues.

Give us a call now for free consultation. We can help simplify the complex issues you are facing when charged with a criminal offense and clean your record afterwards. We work a lot in various tribal courts defending your rights.

The Law office of Emilyn Potter

Call Now For Your Free Case Analysis
(918) 890-0881

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